Photo of three women of color wearing shirts that read "gay & black is beautiful"


Big Change Begins with Small, Radical Acts of Love

Become A Member Today

About Memberships

Members are the foundation of Indianapolis PFLAG’s strength, and there are various membership options. Choose the level and giving option that best meets your needs and abilities. Every new and renewing member makes Indianapolis PFLAG and its programs more robust and effective.

Benefits of Membership

  • Graphic that shows exclusive access

    Exclusive Access

    Gain access to both National and Indy PFLAGs’ print and digital mailings, webinars, and resources. You will have the best of PFLAG at your finger tips.

  • Graphic that says access to special discounts.


    Receive a 50% discount on literature from National PFLAG, discounted rates for PFLAG (biennial) national conventions and other events.

  • Graphic that reads join a network of support. Below it are nondescript people standing on a circle that connects them.


    Joining Indianapolis PFLAG allows you to become a national member of PFLAG which connects you to a vast network of support and resources.

  • Graphic of five hands with heats in the center of them. Below it reads "make an impact everyday".

    Make an Impact

    You directly impact Indy PFLAG, making it feasible to fulfill our mission. You ensure LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones receive support.

Fill out your membership application today!

Press “Apply Here” below to start your membership application. After you finish the application, click “Ready to Pay”, and you will be redirected to our secure payment processor. Please make sure you finish the application and complete the payment to become an official member.

Become A Member Today